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All Flies Tied by
Jerry Regan. The perfect gift for any Fly Fisher.
We are offering a collection of 16 flies (6 Streamers and 10
Dry Flies) personally crafted by Jerry Regan - a Michigan Fly tying Legend.
Some of the patterns included in this exclusive are flies
originated by Jerry while others are Au Sable Favorites. Still others, like the
venerable Mickey Finn are simply flies Regan believes are staples and has tied
for years.
Flies are vetted and come with a Certificate of
Authenticity. ONLY 10 ARE AVAILABLE.
Included in the Dry
Fly Assortment are:
- The Cabin Coachman
- Madsen’s Barber Pole
- Regan’s Mahagany Drake
- Regan’s Deer Fly
- Game Warden (Regan’s Variation)
- Madsen’s Stonefly (Regan’s Variation)
- Regan’s White Fly Parachute Spinner
- Deer Hair White Fly Parachute
- Regan’s Hendrickson Parachute
- Regan’s Hendrickson Parachute Spinner
Included in the
Streamer assortment you will find:
- Regan’s Black Nosed Dace
- Gray Squirrel Tail Streamer
- Regan’s Yellow Marabou (weighted)
- Regan’s Barbershop
- Regan’s Golden Girl (Glen’s Deadly Streamer variation)
- The Mickey Finn